Steel City Rules, News, Steel City Tournament, 2023-2024 (Sault Major Hockey)

This Tournament is part of the 2023-2024 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 22, 2023 | Mike Miket | 223 views
Steel City Rules
Tournament Rules: 



All teams must sign in at least one hour prior to their first game with the Associations Approved roster and Travel permit, failure to do so will result in a default game.

All teams are guaranteed 4 games of play, with a possible Semi and a Final for each division.  Periods will be 15 minutes in length, with a flood every 2 periods.  3 Minute warm up

 All teams must shake hands prior to the game.                                                                                                         

  Going into the third period, if there is a 7-goal difference the clock will run for the remainder of the game. Time will only stop during injury, or the team gets within 4 goals.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Home team will wear light colour jerseys and visiting team dark colour jerseys during games.   If there is a colour conflict tournament convenor can assist with the problem. 

Teams must be prepared to start games 15 minutes prior to scheduled start time; no game will start before 15 Minutes of scheduled time.

All teams must be respectful of all Venues and tidy up rooms before leaving any vandalism will result in charges to the teams, also if there are any issues upon entering a room, please contact either Arena staff or Tournament convenor right away, so not to be blamed.

All teams must enjoy the game of hockey work hard and play hard, make it a great experience it’s a Game.







                                                                                                                                                                                                                      IF TWO TEAMS ARE TIED:

 16-A) The team with the most wins will take the higher position.                                                                                                                                                                           (16-B) The winner of the game(s) between those two teams will take the higher standing. 16-C) The team with the best goal average will take the higher position. The goal average of a team is determined by dividing the total number of goals for and against into the goals for, with the team having the higher percentage taking the position. (If still tied go to 16-D) NOTE: All Round Robin games are included. Example: Goals for 10; goals against 4; 10 divided by 14 = .714 16-D) the team that scored the first goal in the game involving both teams would take the higher position.                                                                                                                                                                            16-E) The team that received the least number of penalties minutes during the Round Robin would take the higher position. (GM=10 minutes, MP=15 minutes, GRM=10 minutes, Misconduct=10 minutes).                                                                                   16-F) If still tied; a coin toss will determine the higher position. The coin toss will be done by the NOHA Representative in the presence of a Representative from each team. The NOHA Representative will assign which team is Heads or Tails.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      IF THREE OR MORE TEAMS ARE TIED THE FOLLOWING WILL APPLY:

 Note-the Scores of all Round Robin games will apply. 16-AA) The team with the most wins will take the higher position.  16-BB) The team with the higher percentage (1.0 being the highest attainable) will take the higher position-as first place. For example-team A average is .700, team B average is .600, and team C is .500, then the placing teams will be Team A, Team B, Team C. (the closest percentage to 1.0 is the highest). 16-CC) The team with the second best goal average will take the higher position as second place. 16-DD) the team with the third best goal average will take the higher position-as third place 16-EE) the team with the fourth best goal average will take the higher position as fourth place. 16-FF) If still tied after AA), BB), CC), DD), EE), the team who received the least number of penalty minutes during the Round Robin would take the higher position (GM=10 minutes, M=10 minutes, MP=15 minutes, GRM= 15minutes. 16-GG) If 2 teams are still tied after AA), BB), CC), DD), EE), FF), have been applied, a coin toss will determine the higher position. The coin toss will be done by the NOHA Representative in the presence of a Representative from each team. The NOHA Representative will assign which team is Heads or Tails. -If 3 or more teams are still tied under after AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF, have been applied, then the NOHA Representative will place each team’s name in a hat. The first team’s name pulled will be the higher placed team and so on.

Championship Sunday overtime Rules:

At the end of Regulation Time, if the two teams are tied their will be a Sudden Victory over time until a winner is decided. Goalies will change ends and stay there until a winner is decided.

Teams will play 3 skaters and a Goalie for 15 minutes and at the end of 15 minutes a decision will made to either flood the service or continue, until game is decided.  A flood will be determined by officials and Tournament chairperson if needed.  If a penalty is called teams will play 4 on 3, if the team with a penalty receives another penalty the team with 4 players will then add a player playing 5 on 3, as penalties are over players return to ice until stoppage in play and the go to overtime rules 3 on 3.



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