USA Players - Tryout Notice and Release (Sault Major Hockey)

PrintUSA Players - Tryout Notice and Release
March 12, 2025

The NOHA has released a "Guide for Commuter Players from USA Hockey" with direction for USA Hockey players hoping to play in Canada in the upcoming season.  The guide is posted here, but you can download the .pdf file through the link provided at the bottom of this page.  There are also links to download the Tryout Notice and the Player Information Form.

Guide for Commuter Players from USA Hockey

A Commuter Player is a Player who resides in a border town (Member/Member or USA/Member) who registers in an adjoining Member with the agreement of his Residential Member, the adjoining Member that he wishes to join, and/or USA Hockey. All necessary transfer paperwork and fees would apply, where applicable.

The following is the process for Commuter Players who reside in the USA and wish to play within the NOHA.

Spring Tryouts

US Players are eligible to participate in Spring Tryouts within the NOHA, once their tryout request is approved by USA Hockey. PLEASE DO NOT register your player for tryouts within the NOHA until you have followed the steps below and received approval from USA Hockey. This applies to all commuter players, including those who played in Canada during the previous season.
1. Complete the Hockey Canada/USA Tryout Notice –
2. Submit the completed form to the Association whose tryouts you wish to attend
a. If the player is new to Hockey Canada, you must also submit a copy of the Players Birth Certificate, and will need to complete a Player Information Form supplied by the Association
b. You do not need to submit a separate Tryout Notice for each level (ie. Players who are approved to Tryout at AAA, may also attend AA Tryouts)
3. The Association will submit the players Tryout Notice to the NOHA Office
4. Once the Tryout Request has been approved by USA Hockey, the NOHA will notify the Association and the Parent(s)/Guardian(s). The player may then register for and attend Tryouts

Seasonal Transfers

All players who are reside in the USA and wish to play in Canada must have a Transfer approved by USA Hockey each season.
It is important to note that USA Hockey has the final approval for all Commuter Player transfers to the NOHA. If USA Hockey does not approve a Players transfer or if their previous USA Hockey Organization does not provide a release, the NOHA cannot allow the player to participate. The family may follow USA Hockey’s process for appealing this decision if they wish, but this process does not involve the NOHA or our Member Associations.
Players selected by a team during Spring Tryouts must have their Seasonal Transfer approved before they can officially sign a card with the team. These players should submit their documentation as soon as possible after tryouts.
Due to the structure of the Soo Peewee and Sault Major Rep A and House League programs, the NOHA will require that commuter players have an approved Seasonal Transfer before they can register. PLEASE DO NOT register for these programs before you have an approved transfer. The NOHA will not process Tryout Notices for Fall Tryouts/Draft Games, with the exception of players wishing to attend U18 AAA or AA Fall Camps.
The following documentation is required for Seasonal Transfers:
1. A Release from the players previous USA Hockey Organization
a. This is not required if the player played in the NOHA during the previous season
2. A Letter of Support from the incoming NOHA Association
3. A copy of the Players Birth Certificate and Player Information Form (only required if the player is new to Hockey Canada)
All documentation must be submitted to the Association you wish to register with. Once the transfer has been Approved or Denied by USA Hockey, the NOHA will inform the Association and the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of the player. If the player has been approved, they can complete their registration through the HCR.

Download Links:

>>>> Commuter Players Guide - USA Hockey.pdf <<<< (this guide)

>>>> USA Hockey Canada Tryout Notice.pdf <<<<

>>>> HCR Player Information Form.pdf <<<<