Attention all Sault Major Hockey Association families! As previously announced, there will be a Special General Meeting of the members on October 15, 2024. The meeting is scheduled from 7pm - 9pm at Sault College in room M1030 (Main building off Northern Avenue, park near lot by Northern/Willow).
All members are welcome, but in order to vote you will need to register and pay ($5) - registration must be completed 2 days before the meeting (by October 13th), and e-transfer also must be completed by 2 days before the meeting (by October 13th). Alternatively, cash will be accepted at the door on the 15th provided you already registered by the deadline, but please bring exact change.
*** Register for Parent Guardian Membership ***
There will be no elections, as those only happen at the AGM. The main purpose of the meeting is to review the audited financial statements for the preceding year (2023-2024).
There are also some submitted constitutional amendments that will be voted on at this meeting. Please see the submitted amendments.
*** 2024_SGM_Motions.pdf ***
Looking forward to seeing you all there!