RULE 11 - MALTREATMENT RULE, News (Sault Major Hockey)

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Jan 20, 2024 | Angel Barbisan | 851 views
Created in 2020, “Section 11- Maltreatment” includes all forms of maltreatment under a single section of the Hockey Canada rulebook. It provides guidelines for escalating penalties based on the severity of the behavior from players as well as team officials.

We all need to work together to support one another and call out any negative or abusive behavior when we see it. It’s on all of us to make the game a more positive and inclusive space from within, both on and off the ice. These are lessons that we can take with us outside of the arena and apply to our classrooms, workplaces and communities.

Maltreatment includes the actual or potential of physical or psychological harm aimed at any participant within the game. It undermines the health and well-being of everyone associated with the game and is incompatible with core values that lie at the heart of Canadian sport. As part of that commitment, Rule 11 looks to eliminate discrimination, disrespectful and abusive behavior, and harassment from Canada’s game with a zero-tolerance policy.

Regardless of role (coaches, parents, and players), all Sault Major Hockey Association participants and stakeholders are encouraged to review the resources provided below.  Please click on the link below and you will be sent to the NOHA website and directed to the Maltreatment information page where you will find the resources listed below.  


 - What is Maltreatment?
 - Hockey Canada Maltreatment Resources

 - Maltreatment video